AMA with Ronald van Loon, CEO Intelligent World
We select 5 interesting questions Ronald, Global Top 10 influencer and CEO IntelligentWorld, answered in his AMA with GrowthHackers.
1. Getting Initial Traction
Deliver your service to a few established brands — free, if required. Use them as references. Keep testing. Learn what converts. Build and scale.
2. AI For Startup Growth
Startups can use AI to limit redundant work, find right prospects or any aspect of their business. Use standard tools available in the market.
3. Selling In Tough Times
Bring your cost to the “new normal”. Define what you can deliver and find a partner to fill the gap. Explore options, like Tesla selling ventilators.
4. Automated Or Manual?
Repetitive and established tasks could be automated for data-driven insights. Development, improvements, experiments, discovery: try manual.
5. Thought Leadership
Aggregate great content. Educate your audience. Engage with relevant people. Reach out to domain experts for partnerships for video creation.
Full original content available here: GrowthHackers (owners of full original content)
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