AMA with Jenny Rothenberg, Director of Growth at MorningBrew

Mayank Batavia
2 min readJan 18, 2021

We selected 6 questions that Jenny, Director of Growth Officer at MorningBrew, answered in her AMA with GrowthHackers.

1. On Open Rates vs List Size

Unique opens is the #1 metric. Focus more on opens than list size since it’s more representative of how many quality, engaged users you’re bringing into your ecosystem.

2. On Building a Referral Program

Every program is unique, but the general advice is: focus on how you can use the program to deepen that user’s relationship with the product/brand as opposed to just how they can bring more users.

3. Process of Writing Great Content

A couple of different components when it comes to the process… We begin with cool things we see on the internet. Do those first in small blurbs. Then, we talk amongst ourselves and plan out our angles.

4. Email-gating the website

Made sense for us when we were a single-product company, since being a subscriber was truly the only way to actually engage with us. But now that we’re a multi-product, multi-platform media company, we need a homepage.

5. Biggest marketing challenge

What works a year ago or even 6 months ago doesn’t always work today. Marketing changes so quickly, so constantly trying to find new ways to grow is definitely challenging!

6. Breaking through the first 1,000

Our brilliant content team is plugged in on what’s going on in the business world as well as the pulse of what our readers care about. See if there’s clear product-market fit and readers are enjoying the content.

Full original content available here: GrowthHackers (owners of full original content).

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Mayank Batavia

Interested in AI, data privacy and our next-door dragon. Teach/Taught math. Love smart puzzles that I can’t solve, which means most. Run blog